How to Deal With Weather While Visiting London
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- Charlotte Stivenson
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Scroll through the comments of all my london videos and you'll see one very common theme there: "I'm visiting London in blah blah blah month, what's the weather gonna be like?" Well if I could tell you that I would not be making YouTube videos! However I can help you get a general idea of what the weather will be like for your trip to London so that you can start to plan ahead. So very generally speaking London has a quite mild climate: the winters aren't terribly cold and the summers aren't terribly hot, like in most places we also get un seasonally warm or un seasonally cold days, so that's always fun! So let's break it down by season, so if you're visiting in the winter season which I would say generally is about November to March ish you can expect temperatures to be cold enough to need a good jacket and probably some gloves and a scarf. The days are also very short in the winter so keep that in mind when you're planning your activities if it's a cloudy day it could be pretty dark by 4 o'clock but I hope that doesn't sound too depressing, I've come from New York and compared to New York I think the winters are pretty ok here. We very rarely even get snow.
Ok springtime! Around April and May time it's not very often is it warm enough to wear shorts and sundresses and in fact, I'm filming this on the last day of may right now, and it's pretty cold and rainy outside I would definitely need to wear a decent jacket out. That being said though we do sometimes get really nice dates where the sun is shining and the temperature is warm and on those days London is super fun because all everybody wants to do is drink and be the sun. I'm telling you the sun brings londoners together! Summertime! Which I kind of considered to be June through August is a bit warmer than spring however I'm used to really hot temperatures in New York, and I can tell you does not usually get as hot here. It's pretty nice though.
You can have fairly mild days, and what's awesome is that the days are super long, the sun rises at 5 ish and doesn't set until like 9:30 or 10 o'clock at night sometimes, so you can plan tons of really fun activities before it even gets dark out.
And finally autumn can get pretty chilly, I'd expect to wear a mid weight coat and a scarf in the least. Okay, so now that you kind of have a general idea of what the weather is going to be like for your trip here's how to really plan for it: start with doing a good old google search for London weather in 'month that you're visiting' so you can check out what the average temperatures are and what the precipitation is usually like, as well as when of sunrises and sunsets usually are. You can use this to do some early vacation clothing shopping and also to plan some of your activities that you're trying to book in advance. Then a couple of days before you come to London is when you should look at the forecast and pack according to that forecast.
Yes, it could definitely change, but it's a really good guy to get you started. Also for booking activities and tickets if you can avoid doing it before you go (I would) because there's a chance to weather might change and if you've booked to go to the London Dungeons on the only warm afternoon of your entire trip you're going to be kind of bummed out, so hold off booking up stuff if you can. And finally you can't change the weather, so just be prepared and take it as it comes I always recommend having a little compact umbrella with you that way you're never completely stuck in the rain So if you're planning your trip to London I have a free London 101 guide that you can download, gives you the basics of what you should know before you come here.
So go ahead and click the card that's popping up over here or the link down in the description box to get your free copy. And finally for more London tips make sure you subscribe to my channel which you can do by clicking my head around here or the link down the description box which will automatically subscribe you so you don't miss any more of my london or your trip videos. Today we're talking about money in London where to get it and how to spend it once you have it and make sure you watch to the end of this video because I have...